Friday 29 October 2010

... it's time to carve jack-o'- lanterns...

halloween is an annual holiday observed on october 31, primarily in the united states, canada, ireland and the united kingdom...
it has roots in the celtic festival of samhain and the christian holiday all saints' day, but is today largely a secular celebration...

common halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, ghost tours, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, committing pranks, telling ghost stories or other frightening tales and watching horror films...

Thursday 28 October 2010

... living in a water park...

the waterfall house by andres remy arquitectos is the result of nature meeting architecture...
the lot size and proximity to the lake made this design possible...
taking into account the sun's movement and the way it can be used to find the perfect light on one hand and the surrounding buildings on the other, this house was constructed in such a manner that the lake would become the visual focal point...
to get a better view of the beautiful lake, it was decided to put the living area at the upper level...
this way every movement of the water can be used to turn a usual afternoon into a few hours of pure contemplating...
the house surprises its visitors with an array of senses that move with the water...
with its eye-catching reflections and relaxing sounds, the lake is a strong natural element that inspired the incredible waterfall...

the shallow pool embraces the house and you can swear that there is no limit between the natural element- the lake- and the man-made oasis of relaxation- the pool...
the lower level shelters the private areas and gives the so much needed privacy...
the limits are broken once more with the room that has 3 function: garage, playroom and party room...
the master bedroom ceiling opens to the sky leaving room for romance...
the front part of the house offers privacy by hosting the service areas...
every window is placed to offer as much privacy as they can but at the same time, the windows should not steal the breathtaking view...

Tuesday 26 October 2010

... yum yum- part 10...

fried rice noodles...
rice noodles, cabbage, shrimp, mussels, onion and soy sauce...
this is one of the most popular food back home especially during the festive season celebration...
did i put too much cabbage? ...

pork belly, garlic, ginger, mushroom, parsley leafs, brandy and soy sauce...
some people like to eat it with the plain chinese dumpling...

aubergine, chilli paste, shrimp, onion and spring onion...
my housemate can't stop sneezing while i'm cooking this...

stir fried cabbage...
cabbage, dried yellow flower vegetables, mushroom and garlic...
healthy vegetarian...

Monday 25 October 2010

... namo guan shi yin pusa...


  一提到观世音菩萨,无论何人脑海里都会浮现出「大慈大悲、救苦救难、广大灵感」、「千处祈求千处应、苦海常作渡人舟」的赞词来。这些赞词,可说是这尊充满慈悲温馨亲切的菩萨最妥切的写照。长远劫来,观世音菩萨以救济苦难众生为本愿,无论众生罪业如何深重,必可因称念其圣号而除去苦恼得到安乐;由於观世音菩萨本愿力不可思议,因此,众生亲近,诚心合掌礼敬归命的人无量无边,因此因缘现已成家喻户晓之菩萨摩诃萨了。百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性# b+ M) b" |! H% n3 m# k



  能伏灾风火,普明照世间;丹阳翼网论坛' H! M( c9 Y9 h1 m( }& U


  如甘露法雨,灭除烦恼 。 m4 j3 E2 a5 D W: i# X9 K


  佛教自古即属「名诠自性」,无论称呼何名均现其体,因此诠索其名称,马上就可了解其自性特徵。同样地观世音菩萨亦有诸多别称异名,由研究其别称异名,就可毕竟知观世音菩萨的本愿特性。一般常见的别称异名有∶丹阳,百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性* G0 e- n: E" P# Z
& n+ `1 i4 z* w: p Q+ a5 E6 w
  一、大悲圣者∶ 《苏悉地经》中有「大慈悲救世尊,善引导一切众生。」《观世音菩萨普门品》中亦有「观音妙智力,能救世间苦。」因此本尊菩萨也叫做「救世尊」或「救菩萨 」。此即彰显观世音菩萨是以慈悲为本体的圣灵,不仅精神上的烦恼连肉体上的苦楚亦悉尽解脱。

  二、施无畏者∶ 《请观音经》中有「大悲施无畏者」一句,吾人礼拜供养观世音菩萨的同时,自己亦融入还没於此灵性之中,到达灵灵相即境界,获得从容胸量,无畏大力气概。本土教主释尊赞叹观世音菩萨的威力说∶「观世音菩萨摩诃萨,怖畏急难中,能施予无畏,故娑婆世界,均号其为施无畏者。」
丹阳翼网论坛9 m( Z9 X, m2 a) l: T. ]
  三、圆通大士∶ 「圆通」之义,为「圆遍融通之义,圆为兼具法身般若二德,通为一道齐平地,不滞留於三际,换言之,即解脱之德,此为圆通的解释。」《首楞严经》中谓二十五圣的圆通中,以观音「耳根圆通」最为殊胜,故观世音菩萨亦称「圆通大士」或「圆通尊」。

  四、南海大士、南海菩萨、补陀大士、慈航大士、守护神∶ 自古以来,信仰中以为观世音菩萨居住於「南海补陀洛迦」山上,故名「南海大士」、「南海菩萨」或「补陀大士」;又依据古经典观世音菩萨常常从补陀洛迦山上往南海下看,救援海上危难,此海上危难乃人生之譬喻,因此因缘,故称「慈航大士」,又航海者及渔夫归仰之,咸尊崇其为海上的「守护神」。(注∶补陀通普陀)
1 W: S# Y- U+ t) V: a
  五、大精进观世自在∶ 密教《大日经》中有「北方大精进观世自在,光色似皓月、商 、军那华,微笑坐於白莲之上,现无量寿。」故亦称作「大精进观世自在」。百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性9 `1 Y: ]8 A+ A f

  六、正法明如来、观音如来、光世音如来∶ 《千手千眼大悲心陀罗尼经》中有「观世音菩萨具有不可思议威神之力,於过去无量劫世界已成佛,号正法明如来;怀其大悲愿力,为令众生得安乐故,现菩萨形。」由於早成佛,亦称「观音如来」。又《决定总持经》中有「过去久远世历经三十二劫, 气世界有佛名光世音如来。」「光世音如来」之称号即由此而来(注∶光世音乃观世音之异译,又观音通观世音) 。丹阳,百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性( v9 `4 i6 g' H: R' p/ } l
百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性* \. p2 S2 D" r. `; i% q! \. {
  七、普光功德山王如来∶ 《观世音菩萨授记经》中有「在阿弥陀佛涅盘之後,观世音菩萨继位才成就佛道,号∶普光功德山王如来」故倒驾慈航的观世音菩萨将来成佛後,即名「普光功德山王如来」。bbs.212300.com4 p! B* O# I g- \
丹阳翼网论坛) Y3 X! e% h" j5 E/ k. ?
百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性; g y9 ?& E) K" \4 }0 p7 h: K
  观世音菩萨与我们有著深密关系-不仅关系今生而且关系到来生,每一个人都需要认识 、了解 ,免得错失了大利益。在大藏经的大乘经典中,谈到 的事迹的经典非常之多,实在无法一一说明,现谨就几部主要经典加以说明∶
bbs.212300.com1 x2 i6 @' _! i# T' C3 |) `' @
  一、《妙华莲华经-普门品》 这是一卷完全述说观世音菩萨事迹的经典,其单行抽印本,名∶《观音经》流通非常广。

  二、《佛说观无量寿经》 本经定善十三观中,第十观「观音观」在说明观世音菩萨的身相,及如何观想的方法。丹阳翼网论坛' W/ Y, K2 L3 i9 L9 \
丹阳,百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性, V# `* b6 \: d; M8 H
  三、《悲华经-诸菩萨授记品》 这一品在记述阿弥陀佛及观世音菩萨在因地修行成道的因缘故事。
百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性1 x" a( [( R, d8 ~3 r6 j3 H
  四、《观世音菩萨授记经》 这部经是释尊向华德藏菩萨说明观世音菩萨、大势至菩萨具有如幻三昧神通之力,可变现奇景及二菩萨化迹因缘的故事。百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性6 \$ R: }0 Y' Q* l. k5 |( j' @

  五、《观音三昧经》 这部经是释尊以阿难为对象而说出的。内容是说观世音菩萨早已成就佛道,号∶正法明如来。而且,释尊往昔时,曾在正法明如来的座下为苦行弟子,修学佛道。观世音菩萨之成为阿弥陀佛的胁侍,以及来此娑婆世界度化众生,实是正法明如来的倒驾慈航。bbs.212300.com7 c8 d8 ]( m5 l# ^

  六、《千手千眼大悲经》 这部经的内容,与五、《观音三昧经》大同小异。

  七、《华严经-入法界品》 这一品在述说善财童子求道的一篇纪录。善财童子第二十七位参拜的,就是观世音菩萨,并蒙观世音菩萨指示法要。百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性! n9 o* ]8 V8 D5 g w
丹阳,百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性! {, h# p$ N z# |4 J* s
bbs.212300.com0 V) X9 [+ e. W# @# x

  一、观音十大愿 (一)愿吾速知一切法。(二)愿吾早得智慧眼。(三)愿吾速度一切众。(四)愿吾早得善方便。(五)愿吾速乘涅盘船。(六)愿吾早得越苦海。(七)愿吾速得戒定道。(八)愿吾早登涅盘山。(九)愿吾速会无为舍。(十)愿吾早证法性身。

  二、免十五种恶死 (一)饥饿困苦死。(二)枷禁杖楚死。(三)冤家雠对死。(四)军阵相杀死。(五)豺狼恶兽残害死。(六)毒蛇螈蝎所中死。(七)水火焚漂死。(八)毒药所中死。(九)虫毒害死。(十)狂乱失念死。(十一)山树崩岸坠落死。(十二)恶人厌魅死。(十三)邪神恶鬼得便死。(十四)恶病缠身死。(十五)非分自害死。
百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性) J. n+ c4 @8 ~1 Z7 }5 U" g
  三、得十五种善生 (一)生所常逢善王。(二)常生善国。(三)常值好时。(四)常逢善友。(五)身根常得具足。(六)道心纯熟。(七)不犯禁戒。(八)所有眷属恩义和顺。(九)资具财食常丰足。(十)常得他人恭敬扶接。(十一)所有财宝不为他人劫夺。(十二)意欲求所悉得遂。(十三)龙天善神常拥护。(十四)生所见佛闻法。(十五)闻所觉悟甚深正法。
bbs.212300.com3 q2 t9 I# ]' u) K! n; @
百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性* s$ N$ q& ^4 \) E& w
  观世音菩萨早已成就佛道,号∶正法明如来,现倒驾慈航来此娑婆世界度化众生,头上顶戴南无阿弥陀佛,并在极乐世界为南无阿弥陀佛胁侍,帮助教化,将来继此补位,住持正法。丹阳,百姓视点,房产,人才,装修,美食,摄影,户外,汽车,车友,音乐,交友,女性4 w. n V' L5 b: F

  正法明如来何以要如此坐?除往昔过去久远劫前,曾为南无阿弥陀佛之子外,最主要的就是念念护佑众生(所谓∶千处祈求千处应),念念摄取众生(所谓∶苦海常作渡人舟)往生极乐,使永脱轮回之苦,并得快速成就佛道。明白此,我们在-「恭祝观世音菩萨出家纪念日,要往生极乐方不枉费 累世累劫护佑与摄取之恩。」

Sunday 24 October 2010

... the indians are getting richer...

india's richest man and forbee's 4th richest man, mukesh ambani, has built the world's most expensive house in mumbai...
it is estimated to be worth us$1 billion...

the 37,000 square metre home, which took 7 years to build, is bigger than the palace of versailles...

in contains a health club with a gym and dance studio, at least one ballroom, guestrooms, range of lounges and a 50 seater cinema...
there is even an elevated garden with ceiling space to accommodate small trees...

the roof has 3 helicopter pads and there is also underground parking for 160 cars, which will come in handy for guests at ambani's forthcoming house warming party...

from the top floors of the 173m high property are spectacular views of mumbai and of the arabian sea...

according to forbes magazine, ambani is the 4th richest man in the world, with his net worth at a whopping us$29 billion...
he runs reliance industries, the oil, retail and biotechnology conglomerate that is the largest private sector enterprise in india...

Saturday 23 October 2010

... upholstered insects...

a brilliant and stunning design is the dragonfly chair and chaise lounge by karim rashid...
manufactured by bonaldo in italy, this chair and chaise lounge would add style to any interior space...
the chaise lounge doubles up as a chair while keeping the integrity of design...
a beautiful and modern chair and chaise lounge to have...

the chair and chaise lounge is upholstered in either skay, leather or fabric...
this chair would add glamour to everyday indoor spaces...
each fabric, skay and leather upholstery comes in a variety of colours...
the chair and chaise lounge would look marvelous in any indoor setting including the living area, waiting room, lounge, office, library, saloon etc...

Friday 22 October 2010

... mirroring while dining...

the lingotto mirrored extended dining table from bonaldo italy, is perfect where space is not a problem and entertaining is a priority...

the top can be either black pearl glass or extra light mirror glass, 2 unusual but very beautiful finishes...
the base is stainless steel, in either a gloss or satin finish...

an extending table, the 2 ends pull out and the extension site in the middle...
the extension is either black matt lacquer or grey lacquer...